The abuse of young woman
- Grandmother treat the protagonist character very bad.
- Grandmother do not allowed her to eat after she had spilled the curry over Uncle Teng trouser.
- Uncle Tang is a forgiveness person because he is able to forgive the child accidentally action for spilled the curry.
The protagonist
- her parent
had dead and the protagonist is take care by her grandmother
- obey to her grandmother
- being abuse by his grandmother and trapped in the house
- the protagonist's marriage has been planned by protagonist's grandmother
example: the protagonist's grandmother planned an arrange marriage for her with Uncle Teng.
- protagonist's grandmother
- strict and sometimes fierce
- match maker
- kind to Uncle Teng
Uncle Teng
- kind person
- caring
- tolerate person
- forgiving man
- a child
- enjoy joking with Uncle Teng .
Example: laughing with Uncle Teng after they talk about C.B.'s future wife and modern girls.
The protagonist was staring outside from the window looking at the baby who's mother was giving him a bath, when grandmother called her from the ground floor.
Rising Action
It was her (the protagonist) 25th birthday. Uncle Teng from the northern village came to have a look on her for the possibility of marriage.
At dinner time, she clumsyly spilled some curry on Uncle Teng's trousers. It was the cockroach that made her to spill the curry. She would be the spinster her whole life.
Falling action
The protagonist cleaned up the mess and at the same time, being scolded by Grandmother. Then, Grandmother did not allowed her to eat dinner.
After the incident, the protagonist went to her room and rest. Grandmother then entered her room and called her as a "clumsy bitch".